We Listen and Provide Solutions
Squid Ink stocks all popular barcode ink and make-up fluids. We guarantee shipment within 48 hours. And 99% of fluid orders are “same-day” shipments. We can also create a guaranteed “just in time” stocking program where 100% of your fluids will ship on the day of the order.
Our customer relationships focus on the needs of the plant and providing solutions to their problems, instead of dictating policies and procedures. We pay close attention to your needs, and work with you to meet your requirements.
Authorized Squid Ink Dealers
Authorized Squid Ink dealers have years of barcode equipment experience, and are trained to find solutions to your coding and marking problems. For the distribution in your area, call 1-800-877-5658 or 763-795-8856
Customer Service
Call 1-800-877-5658 or 763-795-8856 with pricing and part number inquiries, to place an order or check on the status of an existing order.
Technical Service – Inks and Fluids
Call Squid Ink Lab Technicians at 1-800-877-5658 or 763-795-8856 to discuss issues with an existing batch of ink, or any special needs you have for a new barcode or product marking application.
Technical Service – Printing Systems
Call 1-800-877-5658 or 763-795-8856 with installation and programming questions, print quality problems, mechanical problems or service questions. Our service technicians can also provide Return Authorization numbers if you need to return a system for warranty or non-warranty repair.
In addition, Squid Ink offers a number of depot service and installation programs for Squid Ink and competitive barcode printing equipment.
You can also contact us at [email protected]